Xanadu Gallery | Scottsdale, AZ*

Elisabeth Ladwig - "When Life Hands You Lemons" (Framed)

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  • Regular price $1,250.00

Artist: Elisabeth Ladwig
Title: When Life Hands You Lemons (framed)
Medium: Photo Collage on Watercolor Paper
Dimensions: 24"h x 16"w

Special limited edition of 50; piece is framed and ready to hang. Framed dimensions are approximately 35"h x 27"w. Also available unframed.

"I once took a field trip with an artist friend of mine to the little town of Sugar Loaf, NY. To say it rained would be a gross understatement. Unsure of how we'd get back to the car without getting soaked, we decided to let Mother Nature just be. We tucked away our umbrellas and, laughing, we walked out into the torrents for a casual stroll. From a storefront porch across the street, people applauded." Elisabeth Ladwig

"When Life Hands You Lemons" features a surreal scene dominated by a yellow color palette. In the image, a young woman in a flowing yellow dress stands at the center, with her head tilted downward, and her long, blonde hair partially covers her face. The dress drapes elegantly to the ground, and sugar seeps downward from her hands and fingertips. The scene behind her is a blend of natural and fantastical elements. Above, yellow lemons fall like a gentle rain from the sky. The background sets a moody atmosphere with a faded landscape that includes the silhouette of a forest under a cloudy, gray sky. The horizon is barely visible through a misty haze, adding to the dreamlike quality of this composition. The overall effect is one of ethereal beauty, with the yellow elements standing out vibrantly against the subdued tones of the surroundings.