Janella Fesenmaier

My life has been spent involved in the arts as far back as I can remember. When I was eight years old, I wrote that I wanted to be an artist when I grew up. Art always felt like it was part of me and allowed me to express myself creatively. I focused on the arts in high school and on through college, graduating from Hamline University in 1994 with a BA in fine arts and a minor in communication. Since graduating, I have worked as gallery director for an art and framing gallery in Minneapolis.
I like experimenting with different styles and mediums. Some of my work have collage elements mixed in as I like to explore different materials together to offer more depth or texture to a piece. I am also very moved by music and use that to express feelings in some of my work. I weave lyrics and sometimes vintage music sheets into my paintings.
I’m also an avid photographer. I love to take walks through the woods with my camera. I never know what I will find, and sometimes it’s the smallest little bloom that catches my eye.
I am lucky to have a home studio I can work in. It affords me more time with my family and allows me the opportunity to paint on a very flexible schedule. I set up a table for my daughter so she can pop in and work on her own fun projects while I’m painting.